P3 Motion Infographic

Audrey MacPherson
3 min readOct 12, 2020



Big Idea:

My topic is defunding the police.

I believe we should defund the police because they are given overly high budgets that could be used to benefit the people that are less privileged. Not only that but police do not receive enough training for the situations they are put in, leading to more police brutality than necessary.

My audience is anybody who thinks the state of policing and resource allocation is okay in its current state, or anybody that doesn’t understand what this phrase entails, as it can be confusing.

I would like the audience to have a better understanding of what this means and move them to advocate and support this idea.

Narrative Script:

You might have heard the phrase “Defund the police” in the recent months as the black lives matter movement has swept through the country. You might be thinking, “that sounds drastic!”. However it really isn’t as complicated as it sounds. Defunding the police would move resources to communities that need it, as well as put professionals trained for specific situations in place of the police. This does not mean completely abolish the police, just limit their power and where they would used.



Audio Selection

Voice Over:

Tried to get it on Vimeo but it was having issues uploading so here is the updated script until I get the recording to work!

Why should we defund the police? You may have heard this phrase in the recent months as the black lives matter movement has swept through the country. You might be thinking “that sounds drastic!”. However, defunding the police is quite simple. The New York Police department alone spends $6 billion dollars a year. Defunding them would move resources and money to communities that need it. This could benefit many organizations, such as homeless shelters for example. Not only that, but defunding them also means replacing police officers with trained professionals in health, psychology, and counseling for situations that do not actually need the help of police officers. This does not mean completely abolish the police, just limit their power and where they would be used!




